5 Best Startup Marketing Strategies

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Already many blogs that provide information about how to build a successful startup, tips potent find startup ideas that make sense and others. This time, Smartpik want to share how to implement the correct marketing strategy when a product has been created and is ready to be thrown to the public. 


The remarketing is an advance feature in the Google Adwords, especially for the Google Display Network. When used correctly is very powerful feature to improve sales conversions. Because of this remarketing feature will display Google AdWords ads on those who have visited the site. Remarketing is the most basic way that must be done to increase awareness, traffic, and ultimately sales.

One another way is to install Facebook custom audience pixel. This is important so that you can target consumers who already know your product through advertising on Facebook. The trick was fairly easy, you can simply upload a list of email and phone number at least 20 people, then automatically custom audience will send the ad. You also can reach more customers by utilizing the number of visitors who viewed the site and mobile applications.

Email and Content Marketing

Content marketing is now one easy step that proved successful in reaching more customers, to make sure when the product is ready for launch, create a massive marketing content and educative. Determine what content marketing is right for your product and what the market wants in the viewfinder.

What is important is the choice or option to enter or the option to get out must always be on the site or the content of existing email marketing and spread. Do not let consumers feel annoyed and eventually became antipathy with your product due to incomplete both options. Make the right strategy and smart at the time launched a movement to acquire customers via email and content marketing.

Offline Activities 

Currently, there are many communities that specifically can you shoot in accordance with the products offered, to try to hold it or following of the activities offline there. Most potential customers, the investor partner to the employee likes to hang out or spend 'quality time' in a variety of activities.

Make sure your brand is already performing at the event, from 10 new customers succeed you get the most positive steps you can achieve in addition to relying on the testimony or comments on the site.

Online Competitions

Hold a competition or contest through social media is also one of the marketing strategies that you can do on a regular basis. By doing this activity, it can acquire more customers, increase awareness of your brand and of course can promote products by providing giveaway or gift of a product that you sell. Highly recommended for all startup conduct these activities on a regular basis, which proved successful and is able to increase the number of consumers more.

The Human Touch

The thing to remember is to always deliver customer service more use of human touch, that is legitimate if the system or some features rely entirely on technology, but for a specific process make sure you put a dedicated team of men and women are quite nimble and reliable help and certainly reach your consumers. The human touch will always be needed in startup current and future.


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